meMy name is Phil Taylor and I have been interested in radio and electronics for over 30 years (I am 45 years old as of 2018).

My path to amateur radio is a logn a varied one. In 1987 I completed the course studying for what was then called the RAE (Radio Amateur Examination) and being a cocky youth, thought that I didn't need to revise for the licensing conditions part of the examination.

Of course I failed the licensing conditions section (although I passed the 'technical' section) and never bothered to re-sit the exam!

Fast forward 27 years and I decided to attend a course at my local club the Leicester Radio Society in order to achieve my Foundation License, which I completed in September 2014. I then completed the Intermediate course/examination at the same venue in December 2015 and the Advanced (Full) exam in August 2016. 

While attending the foundation course and being confident that I would pass (still cocky but not so much of a youth anymore) I splashed-out on an Icom IC-7100 and various other bits and pieces.

I have since purchased numerous other handhelds, antennas and transceivers, including a FlexRadio 6500 SDR and Maestro controller which are pretty amazing and in 2018 an Icom 7610. Although I like the Icom, I think that i still prefer the flexibility of the 6500.

Since the purchase of a 2009 Nissan Patrol (fitted with a 9.6m Clark pheumatic mast) I have become interested in /p (portable) operation. I now take part is as many of the VHF and above contests as I can.

I hope to chronicle my journey from this day forward but that depends on whether I find the time. Who knows, this may be the last ever post!

73 Phil 
